View | Elements and Content | |
Enterprise View Describes the relationships between organizations and the roles those organizations play within the connected vehicle environment. |
Enterprise Objects - Used to help frame discussions such as "who is responsible for what?" and "how does each user interact with ITS?". Roles and Relationships - Defines stakeholder roles and the relationships between stakeholders. Needs - Defines user needs for all users that participate in ITS. |
Functional View Describes abstract functional elements (processes) and their logical interactions (data flows) that satisfy the system requirements. |
Requirements - Functional requirements identify the processes and information exchanges necessary to satisfy user needs. Processes - Provide the logical functionality that exchange data through data flows. Data Flows - Data that is exchanged between logical processes (above) and are related to Information Flows in the Physical View. |
Physical View Describes physical objects (systems and devices) and their functional objects as well as the high-level interfaces between those Physical Objects. |
Information Flows - Information that is exchanged between Physical Objects. Physical Objects - Physical Objects that provide the functionality needed for, or are peripheral to, Service Packages. Subdivided into different classes: Center, Field, ITS, Personal, Support, and Vehicle. Functional Objects - Break up subsystem Physical Objects into deployment-sized pieces and define more specifically the functionality and interfaces that are required to support a particular Service Package. |
Communications View Describes the layered sets of communications protocols that are required to support communications among the physical objects that participate in the connected vehicle environment. |
Standards - Technical standards from a variety of standards development organizations (SDOs) and other organizations working together as SDOs are referenced extensively. Profiles - Standards are organized into profiles, which define the protocols necessary to define how information is transferred between Physical Objects. Communications Solutions - Collection of communications protocols and data definitions that can be used to implement a given triple (Information Flow between two Physical Objects) is termed a solution. |