ACGM 2014

Successful 2014 Annual Conference and General Meeting Victoria, BC  -  June 1-4, 2014

The 2014 ACGM which wrapped up in Victoria last week was, by all accounts, a great success for ITS Canada.  The theme of the ACGM was “Connecting in a Mobile World” and was enjoyed by over 200 registrants who attended the conference, held at the beautiful Victoria Conference Centre. A wide variety of technical papers were provided on over 60 topics ranging from Advanced Traffic Management to connected Vehicles.  

Monday June 2, 2014



Crystal Gardens    7:30 AM – 8:30 AM

Breakfast with Exhibitors

  Crystal Gardens 8:30 AM

Opening Plenary

Master of Ceremonies: TBA

Welcome: Mr. Michael De Santis, Chair, ITS Canada

Address: Mayor Dean Fortin, Victoria

Address: Mr. Craig Hutton, Director General, Strategic Policy and Innovation, Transport Canada

Address: Mr. Michael Roschlau, President and Chief Executive Officer, CUTA

10:00 AM

Break and Networking with Exhibitors

Saanich VCC

10:30 AM

Oak Bay VCC


Moderator: Ms. Mara Bullock, McCormick Rankin



Moderator: Ms. Brigid McGoran Canil, BC Ministry of Transportation

City of Toronto Congestion Management Plan  by Rajnath Bissessar



Ottawa Nav – A Context Awareness Traveller Information App by Philippe Landry


Integrated Corridor Management in Dallas Lessons Learned  by  Ahmad Sadegh



MBTA-realtime: Real-time Time Passenger Information for MBTA in Boston by Ritesh Warade

A spatial analysis of bus delays from GIS, GTFS & GPS data by  Md Matiur Rahman


TransLink Rail Crossing Information System by Ian Steele

When ITS Fails: Running a TMC During the 2013 Calgary Flood Disaster by Yeatland Wong


MoTI Traveller Information Smartphone Application (TISA) by  Ian Steele

Crystal Gardens      12:00 PM      Lunch               

Luncheon Speaker : Mr. David Beckley, Vice President, Infrastructure Management & Engineering at TransLink on the Compass Project (tbc)


2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Technical Tour 1: BC Transit Security and Operations facility                                              

Bus leaves VCC at 1:0 pm

Saanich VCC

1:30 PM

Oak Bay VCC

Big Data -1

Moderator: Ms. Susan Spencer, Susan Spencer & Associates



Moderator: Mr. Rajeev Roy, Regional Municipality of York

MTO – ENTERPRISE Video Analytics Project by  Mike Barnet


Innovations in MTO’s COMPASS System by  Kris Huber

Overcome Stubborn Traveller Behaviours with Social Connectivity and Big Data by  Ben Miners


BC MoTI’s RWIS / VMS Integration Projects by Simon Walker

Big Data: Actionable Intelligence and Beyond by Ann Derby and Julie Allison


An Expert Systems approach to Multimodal Traffic Management Decision Support System (DSS) for ICM in San Diego by Richard Chylinski

Coming to Grips with Big Data – observations from around the World by Susan Spencer


Integrating Traffic Management in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia by Mathew Bond

Video Analytics – Is it a viable alternative for data collection? by Chris Philp



3:00 PM

Break and networking with exhibitors

Saanich VCC

3:30 PM

Oak Bay VCC

Big Data-2

Moderator: Mr. David Pickeral, IBM


 Connected Vehicles& Autonomous Vehicles-1

Moderator:  Dr. Ilham Benyahia, Université du Québec en Outaouais

Identifying Congestion Using Mobile Phones by  Chris Philp


Why Automated Vehicle Zones Make Sense by  Paul Godsmark and Geetansh Kakkar

Big Data - Quality or Quantity? By  Jorgen Pedersen


Autonomous vehicles, connected vehicles and 5G: synergies between the two by Barrie Kirk

Large-Scale Cell Phone-Based Traffic Speed and O-D Data Collection Technology by  Tony (Zhijun) Qiu


Connected Vehicle, Meet the Smart Grid by Brody Hanson

Safety Applications of Cyclist GPS Trip Data in Montreal by Jillian Strauss


TMC2V: Bringing VMS to Your Dashboard by Jim O’Neill

Saanich VCC

5:00 PM


Advanced Public Transit Systems Technical Committee


Chair: Rajeev Roy, York Region





Tuesday, June 3, 2014



Crystal Gardens    7:30 AM – 8:30 AM

Breakfast with Exhibitors

Saanich VCC

8:30 AM

Oak Bay VCC


Moderator: Ms. Mara Bullock, McCormick Rankin


Transportation Network & Architecture-1

Moderator: Mr. René Marcouiller, CIMA+

An Innovative Smart Work Zone for the Eglington Crosstown LRT Construction by  Simon Foo



Des projets innovateurs et structurants pour le Grand Montréal: feuille de route de l’architecture métropolitaine des STI pour le transport collectif by  Alexandre Savard et Vincent Morency

Linked Transportation Services for Connected Travellers by Mohamed Elshenawy


The Free and Secure Trade (FAST) program border crossing on Hwy 15, BC to Blaine, WA by Michael Cetnarowski

Connecting Calgary Drivers with Real-time Travel Time Information by Sameer Patil


A Business Intelligence Platform to Support Fact-Based Decision-Making for Public Transit by Alec Knowles

White Labeling of Mobile Traffic Apps - a practitioner guide for highway authorities and private companies by Bruno Peters



10:00 AM

Break and Networking with Exhibitors

Saanich VCC

10:30 AM

Oak Bay VCC

Traffic Management Center-1

Moderator: Mr. René Marcouiller, CIMA+


Big Data-3

Moderator: Mr. Lewis Gaskell, IBM

BC Regional Transportation Management Centre by Brigid McGoran Canil



Automated Classification Based on Video Data at Intersections with Heavy Pedestrian and Bicycle Traffic: Methodology and Application by Sohail Zangenehpour

Leveraging Private Sector Mobile Apps to Improve Urban TMC Operations & Improve Public Traveller Information Delivery by Gregg Loane


Technical and Bureaucratic Challenges to National Data Warehouses: Summary of the U.S. – Canada Border Data Warehouse Project by Melissa Fanucci

Under Construction: The New MTO Central Region COMPASS Traffic Operations Centre by Ian Nelson



Big Data Meets Customer Service by Cameron Telford, CMC and Robert Shirra, CMC


Staying Connected Under Severe Weather Conditions by Roger Browne


A Regional Traffic Data Warehouse for the Lower Mainland of British Columbia by Mathew Bond

Crystal Gardens 12:00 PM  Lunch


ITS Canada Strategic Plan 2014-2019 Development: Michael De Santis, Chair ITS Canada

Luncheon Key note Speaker Mr. Scott Belcher, President and CEO, ITS America

Saanich VCC

1:30 PM

Oak Bay VCC

Emerging Technologies Detection – panel discussion

Moderator: Mr, Ian Steele, PBX Engineering


Panel Members:  Mr. Roger Browne, City of Toronto, Mr. Ofer Avni, Cellint,  

Mr. Robert Bruce, TPA NA, Mr. Pete Costello, INRIX


A panel discussion about probe based vehicle detection, using emerging technologies such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and GPS based systems.  The panel will compare penetration rates, latency and accuracy of the emerging detection technologies.


Connected Vehicles& Autonomous Vehicles-2

Moderator: Mr. Keenan Kitasaka, Associated Engineering


Unbundling the Acronyms  - Connected Vehicles, Autonomous Vehicles , Smart Cars  and More by Bowen Tritter


Dynamic Mobility with Connected Vehicles – Intelligent Network Flow Optimization (INFLO) by Richard Chylinski


Hierarchical Architecture for Connected Vehicles Collision Avoidance by Ilham Benyahia

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

BC Ferries Headquarters Tour 1 (maximum 20 participants)

Leave VCC at  1:30 PM and walk to BC Ferries HQ

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM

BC Ferries Headquarters Tour 2 (maximum 20 participants)

Leave VCC at  2:30 PM and walk to BC Ferries HQ

3:00 PM

Break and Networking with Exhibitors

Crystal Gardens 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM


ACTIVE-AURORA: Canadian Connected Vehicle Test Bed Overview and Roadmap

Moderator: Walter Espinoza, Alberta Transportation


Presentation 1: Connected Vehicles Initiatives at Transport Canada – Mr. Scott Crombie, Programs (West), Transport Canada

Presentation 2: ACTIVE-AURORA Connected Vehicle Test Bed status and roadmap - Tony Qiu, Managing Director of ACTIVE-AURORA

Oak Bay VCC 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM

 ITS Canada Strategic Plan 2014-2019 interactive Discussion


Facilitators:  Ms. Susan Spencer, Susan Spencer & Associates

                            Mr. Michael De Santis, Chair, ITS Canada


6:00 PM

Gala Dinner and Award Ceremony: Crystal Gardens at the VCC


Wednesday, June 4, 2014



Crystal Gardens    7:30 AM – 8:30 AM


Saanich VCC

8:30 AM

Oak Bay VCC

ITS Emerging Technologies-1

Moderator:  Dr. Tony Qiu, University of Alberta


Transportation Network and Architecture-2

Moderator:  Mr. Tim Schnarr, Parsons

Utilizing Technologies to Navigate the Complexities of Mobility Management by Rob Bryans


Clean Transportation Initiative – Port Related Trucking Program by Thomas Kwan

Urban Camera Avalanche Detection System by Jack Stickel


Improving liveability and economic prosperity through Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) by Samantha Eburne

Keeping Travellers Mobile from the Prairies to the Rockies: Challenges and Strategies in Deploying Alberta’s Road Weather Information System (RWIS) by Shawn Truelson


Valuating Greenhouse Gas Emission Saving of Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) by Input-Output Analysis by  Mohammad Ansari Esfeh

Multi-Purpose Infrastructure Greater Connectivity by  Nathaniel Papay


Probe-Based Variable Speed Limit System - A Sensitivity Analysis by Bidoura Khondaker

Implementation of scheduling software and AVL system for Family of Services in York Region by Rajeev Roy




10:00 AM


Saanich VCC

10.30 AM

Oak Bay VCC

ITS Emerging Technologies-2

Moderator: Mr. Stevanus Tjandra, City of Edmonton


Interactive session on ITS Canada’s role in the ITS WC 2017

Moderator: Michael De Santis, Chair ITS Canada


The session will provide members the opportunity to share ideas and to contribute towards this important and prestigious event

ACDSS – a Multi-regime, Variable-objective Regional Adaptive Control System by Wuping Xin


The Installation and Operation of ITS on the Port Mann / Highway 1 (PMH1) Project by Martin Fyfe


Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure (MHI) ITS Technical Plan – a look into the future through Saskatchewan MHI and their first ITS strategy  by  Keenan Kitasaka and Murray Zulak


Responsive Traffic Management Through Short-Term Weather and Collision Prediction by Stevanus A. Tjandra



Crystal Gardens 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM

Closing Luncheon of the 17th Annual Conference and General Meeting

Luncheon Speaker:  John Niles, President of Global Telematics on Connectivity and Automated Driving

1.15 PM – 5:15 PM

Oak Bay VCC

Connected Vehicle 101 by the Research and Innovative Technology Administration - ITS Joint Program Office

hosted by Barbara Staples & Elizabeth Greer, Noblis