Conference Program
Conference Program
With over 80 abstract presentations and presenters, the 2018 ACGM offers an abundance of education, learning and networking opportunities This year’s Program Committee has put together an outstanding program which includes plenary sessions, a fantastic line-up of oral presentations, panel sessions as well as a wide array of new research.
Full Conference Program
Browse through our web-based conference program below. Program details are subject to change and will be updated regularly.
Oakes North/Oakes Foyer
Oakes Foyer
• Organized by Prof. Ilham Benyahia, Chair ITS Canada Education Committee in Hennepin South
• 21st Annual General Meeting (AGM) of ITS Canada - all members are welcome in Hennepin South.
- Welcome remarks - Mr. Chris Philp, Chair & CEO ITS Canada
- Welcome remarks - Mr. Jeff Smart & Mr. Bill Greenham, Co-Chairs Exhibitor Committee Oakes North/Oakes Foyer
Oakes Foyer
Oakes North/Oakes Foyer
Oakes South
OPENING PLENARY Mobility 2030: Bridging Innovation and a Green Future
•Welcome by Mr. Chris Philp, Chair & CEO ITS Canada
•Welcome by Ms. Mara Bullock & Mr. Nick Rosati, Co-Chairs ACGM 2018
•Welcome by Mr. Alan Caslin, Chair Niagara Region
• Mr. Pepper Harward , Vice President of Transit Solutions for Routematch Software
•Moderated by Ms. Mara Bullock, WSP Canada
•Welcome by Mr. Chris Philp, Chair & CEO ITS Canada
•Welcome by Ms. Mara Bullock & Mr. Nick Rosati, Co-Chairs ACGM 2018
•Welcome by Mr. Alan Caslin, Chair Niagara Region
• Mr. Pepper Harward , Vice President of Transit Solutions for Routematch Software
- As Vice President of Transit Solutions for Routematch Software, Pepper leads the technical and product strategy for the conventional transit, mobility, and integrated payments markets. He has spent the last six years identifying trends and directions in transit, the new challenges they present, and potential technology solutions to move the industry forward. Prior to his work in Transit, Pepper held similar strategic roles in the healthcare and hospitality technology markets. He received a degree in Economics from the University of Utah and a law degree from Georgetown University.
- Ross is responsible for facilitating collaborative research with industry partners and academia. Ross sits on the board of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Canada, currently leading their communication and advocacy committee. He has also served on the ITS Canada executive committee and as vice-chair of the connected and autonomous vehicle technical committee. Ross chaired the Electric Mobility Canada student competition for five years and served on the Canadian Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association (APMA) Connected Vehicle Working Group. In 2016 Ross addressed the G7 Transport Ministers in Japan, summarizing Canada’s activities and initiatives in connected and autonomous vehicles. Last year he was presented with the Ontario Ministry of Transportation Partnership Award, recognizing significant contributions to road safety.
•Moderated by Ms. Mara Bullock, WSP Canada
Oakes North/Oakes Foyer
M1 Insights from CAV Deployments - Hennepin South
M2 Role of ITS in a Green Future - Peninsula
- Operational considerations for connected vehicle services case study: H407 connected vehicle pilot by Steve Sprouffske, Kapsch
- Connect vehicle pilot success in Ottawa - Eco Drive I2V Proof of Concept project by Greg Kent, City of Ottawa, Andrew Thompson, Thompson Technologies, Prof Ata Khan, Carleton University, Thomas Bauer, Traffic Technology Solutions, Angelo Pilla , MTO
- San Diego I-15 ATDM/DMA testbed evaluation results for connected vehicles applications by Pascal Volet, AIMSUN
- Potentials of a centralized real-time traffic management system for CAV applications by Farid Mobasser, Fortran
M2 Role of ITS in a Green Future - Peninsula
- Development of a multi-year urban GHG emission inventory through spatio-temporal traffic counts prediction by Dr. Arman Ganji, Maryam Shekarrizfard, Eric Miller, Baher Abdulhai, Matt Roorda, Marianne Hatzopoulou, University of Toronto
- Off-grid power for ITS - Moving to an efficient, resilient, and green future by Jack Stickel, Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (retired)
- Using big traffic data to estimate vehicle emissions in real-time by Anjie Liu, Matthew Muresan, Dr. Liping Fu, University of Waterloo
- Accessibility and asset management - a match made in the cloud by Jim Sheehan, North Line Canada
- Implementation of various ITS and advanced vehicle technologies in YRT/VIVA by Pri Uthayakumar, York Region
- An advanced dynamic pricing framework for HOTL - concept and application to project evaluation by Rob Pringle, WSP Canada, Goran Nikolic, MTO
• 12:30 PM Keynote address by Kurtis McBride, CEO and Co-Founder Miovision
• 1:00 PM Welcome remarks Mayor Jim Diodati, Mayor of Niagara Falls
• Moderated by Mr. Nick Rosati - Co-Chair ACGM 2018
• 1:00 PM Welcome remarks Mayor Jim Diodati, Mayor of Niagara Falls
• Moderated by Mr. Nick Rosati - Co-Chair ACGM 2018
M3 Smart Infrastructure for CAV Operations - Hennepin South
M4 Emerging Methods to Tackle Congestion - Peninsula
- Distributed dynamic route guidance using network of intelligent intersections by Dr. Shadi Djavadian, Dr. Bilal Farooq, Nikki Rahnamaei, Ryerson University
- Analysis of CAV routing algorithm in mixed environment by Lama Alfaseeh, Dr. Bilal Farooq, Dr. Shadi Djavadian, Ryerson University
- Designing parking facilities for autonomous vehicles by Prof. Matt Roorda, Mehdi Nourinejad, Sina Bahrami, University of Toronto
- Safey and feasibility of a fully autonomous shuttle on a university campus by Andrew Bartlett, NITTEC/University at Buffalo
M4 Emerging Methods to Tackle Congestion - Peninsula
- Low-cost technologies to understand and mitigate congestion at railway crossings by Dr. Garreth Rempel, TRAINFO
- Use of contextual accident prediction methods for road traffic regime adaptation by Prof. Ilham Benyahia, Amine Chiali, UQO
- Leveraging mobility pricing - How to harness mobility pricing to reduce congestion, promote fairness and support investment in transportation by Preeya Shah, Adrian Lightstone, WSP Canada
- A bi-level optimization model for mixed urban-freeway network by Nadia Moshahedi, University of Calgary
- An advanced dynamic pricing framework for HOTL - concept and application to project evaluation by Rob Pringle, WSP Canada, Goran Nikolic, MTO
Rainbow Bridge
Young Professionals Session - Hennepin North
- Give young professionals in the ITS engineering field the opportunity to presenttheir perspective on what mobility will look like in 2030. Considering the disruption in mobilitytechnologies, shared service platforms and IoT connectivity (big data, smart cities, Mobility as a Service etc.), what can we do to challenge our thinking as young professionals today to better prepare for the uncertainty that awaits the industry?
Oakes North/Oakes Foyer
M5 Über-Intelligent Transportation Systems (Ü-ITS) - Hennepin South
M6 SPEED LEARNING w/Next Gen AI Experts: moderated by Prof. Bilal Farooq, Ryerson University & Ms. Mara Bullock, WSP Canada - Oakes South
- Understanding travel demand with AI insights by Wendy Reuter, CUTA
- A practical application of artificial intelligence in traffic responsive signal control by Mark Conrad, Parsons
- Calgary's Traffic Management Centre - a step towards AI and machine learning by Sameer Patil, City of Calgary
- Predictive analysis of publicly available open datasets towards enhancing ITS by Olaitan Olaleye, Philips Lighting Research North America
- Implementation of a realistic traffic simulation model for resource road environments by Prof. Dave Michelson, University of British-Columbia
M6 SPEED LEARNING w/Next Gen AI Experts: moderated by Prof. Bilal Farooq, Ryerson University & Ms. Mara Bullock, WSP Canada - Oakes South
- Transportation mode detection using WiFi data by Arash Kalatian, Dr. Bilal Farooq, Ryerson University
- Estimating travel times for separate facilities of freeway using bluetooth measurements by Wenfu Wan, University of Waterloo
- Inferring transportation mode from GPS traces using generative adversarial networks by Ali Yazdizadeh, Prof. Zachary Patterson, Concordia University, Prof. Bilal Farooq, Ryerson University
- Real-time automated winter road condition monitoring using pre-trained deep neural networks by Guangyuan Pan, Dr. Liping Fu, Ruifan Yu, Matthew Muresan, University of Waterloo
- Adaptive traffic signal control using bluetooth WiFi data: a deep reinforcement elarning approach by Matthew Muresan, Dr. Liping Fu, University of Waterloo
- Pedestrian density modelling using generative deep learning on WiFi data by Melvin Wong, Dr. Bilal Farooq, Ryerson University
- Enter the matrix: adaptive signal control using deep reinforcement learning by Wade Genders, Dr. Saiedeh Razavi, McMaster University
- Modelling the effect of sensors failure to improve the reliability of Origin-Destination trip estimation in congested traffic networks by Mostafa Salar, Dr. Lina Kattan, University of Calgary
- Fair resource allocation in emergency evacuation using ITS by Soheila Aalmai, Dr. Lina Kattan, University of Calgary
- Road network vulnerability analysis considering the probability of rare events by Mohammad Ansari, Dr. Lina Kattan, University of Calgary
- A smart approach towards enhancing effectiveness of bus queue jumps by Muhammad Arsian Asim, Dr. Lina Kattan, Dr Chan. Wirasinghe. University of Calgary
Fallsview Private Dining Room
• ITS Canada Board of Directors
• LOC ACGM 2018
• Technical Committee Chairs
• Guest Speakers (by invitation only)
• LOC ACGM 2018
• Technical Committee Chairs
• Guest Speakers (by invitation only)
Oakes Foyer
Oakes North/Oakes Foyer
• Oakes South
Moderated by Mr. Richard Easley, E-Squared Engineering in Oakes South
Moderated by Mr. Richard Easley, E-Squared Engineering in Oakes South
• Oakes North/Oakes Foyer
Hosted by Mr. Jeff Smart, Tacel and Mr. Arif Rafiq, ESRI Canada
Hosted by Mr. Jeff Smart, Tacel and Mr. Arif Rafiq, ESRI Canada
Oakes North/Oakes Foyer
• Hennepin North
- SouthSmart Cities Ecosystem Technical Tour
T1 Smart and Integrated Management - Hennepin South
T2 Prospects of Smart Mobility in Canada - Peninsula
- Benefits and lessons learned from Integrated Corridor Managment by Dr. Jeff Adler, Kapsch
- 511DFW Multimodal traveler information system by Natalie Bettger, Marian Thomspon, NCTCOG
- I-80 smart corridor ICM by Derek Pines, Parsons
- ICM and cooperative approaches in California by Daniel Lukasik, Parsons
- Vehicle to vehicle communication for resource road environments by Prof. Dave Michelson, University of British-Columbia<
T2 Prospects of Smart Mobility in Canada - Peninsula
- What does the future hold for smart cities in Canada? Impact of automated and transformative transportation systems by Prof. Baher Abdulhai, Roorda, M., Habib, K., Hatzoupolou, M., iCity-CATTS
- Leveraging data intelligence to optimize multi-modal travel by Daniel Lajeunesse, IMS
- City of Calgary next generation TMC - Establishing thefoundation for a smart city operations centre by Jonathan Darton, IBI Group, Sameer Patil, City of Calgary
- Are Canadian municipalities truly getting ready for the smart city revolution? by Arif Rafiq, Esri Canada
- "Driving Change" - The Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications Report and its potential impact on the automotive industry in Canada by Dave Adams, Global Automakers Canada
Luncheon Keynote Speakers:
• Dr. Bill Anderson , Director, Cross-Border Institute Presentation title: "Smart Borders, Smart Corridors, Smart Cities"
Mr. Kirk Steudle , Director, Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Presentation Title: "Smart Collaboration"
•Moderated by Ms. Mara Bullock, WSP Canada
• Dr. Bill Anderson , Director, Cross-Border Institute Presentation title: "Smart Borders, Smart Corridors, Smart Cities"
- Dr. Bill Anderson received his doctorate in Geography from Boston University in 1984. From 1983 to 1998 he was a member of the Geography faculty, director of the Institute for Energy Studies and an associate member of the Department of Civil engineering at McMaster University. From 1998 to 2008 he was a professor in the Department of Geography and a lead researcher in the Center for Transportation Studies at Boston University. He arrived at the University of Windsor in July 1, 2008 as Ontario Research Chair in Cross-Border Transportation Policy and founding director of the Cross-Border Institute (CBI). CBI’s research, outreach and educational activities are focused of the movement of goods, people and services across the Canada-US border and other international land borders. Dr. Anderson’s expertise is in border operations, technology and policy; freight transportation and supply chain; international trade and business; Canada-US economic integration; and regional economic development. At the CBI he leads a multidisciplinary team studying border traffic flows, the economic impact of border infrastructure, big data analysis of Global Positioning System data, cross-border customs and immigration and other topics with the common goal of making borders work better.
Mr. Kirk Steudle , Director, Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Presentation Title: "Smart Collaboration"
- Kirk T. Steudle, Director of the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) since 2006, oversees MDOT’s over four billion dollar budget, and is responsible for the construction, maintenance, and operation of nearly 10,000 miles of state highways and more than 4,000 state highway bridges at a department with 2,500 employees. He also oversees administration of a variety of multi-modal transportation programs and projects. Steudle is a national leader in the development of Connected and Automated Vehicle Technologies, and was the 2014-2015 Chair for the Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America) Board of Directors. He also is a member of the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Program Advisory Committee to the U.S. Department of Transportation. Steudle is a Past President of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and Chairs the Standing Committee on Highways. He was a 2014 member of the National Research Council for the National Academy of Science and the 2014 Chair of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Executive Committee. He also chaired the second Strategic Highway Research Program Oversight Committee (SHRP 2) for TRB. As well as a member of numerous NCHRP panels and committees on asset and performance management. Mr. Steudle is a graduate of Lawrence Technological University, where he received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Construction Engineering, serves on the College of Engineering Advisory Board and he was inducted into their Hall of Fame in 2012.
•Moderated by Ms. Mara Bullock, WSP Canada
T3 Smart Cities – Smart Corridors Technology Solutions - Hennepin South
T4 Smart Cooperation for Safety and Extreme Conditions - Peninsula
- A mobile fare payment solution by Carl Woo, York Region
- York Region's travel time/speed monitoring system using bluetooth by Paul Nause, Simon Lau, York Region
- Use of drones for real-time traffic management by Gregg Loane, City of Toronto
- Smart highway corridor - Travel time delay information by Robert Bruce, TPA NA, Christina Klein MTO, Louis Vachon, MTO
- Technology testing as part of the QEW HOT Lanes pilot project by Geoff Knapp, Mara Bullock, WSP Canada, Mateen Mahboubi, MTO, Loretta Wong, MTO
T4 Smart Cooperation for Safety and Extreme Conditions - Peninsula
- Anticipating traffic changes during severe weather by Peter Fedechko, IRD
- Smart city solution for winter mobility management by Mike Burton, Campbell Scientific Canada
- Vehicle-to-railway (V2R) technologies for school bus safety at railway crossings by Dr. Garreth Rempel, TRAINFO
- LED Blank-out-Sign - Bylaw turn prohibition enhancement by Hong Fu, City of Toronto
Oakes North/Oakes Foyer
T5 Smart Cities – Smart Corridors Smart Mobility - Hennepin South
T6 Smart Cooperation - Peninsula
- Intersect: a revolutionary platform promoting the transition to "Smart Cities" by Patrick Lauzière, Orange Traffic
- Introducing the world's smartest intersection by Dave Bullock, Miovision
- Enable smarter mobility through advanced V2I technology by Victor Darias, Global Traffic Technologies Canada
- Taxonomy and abstraction of the on-demand mobility aviation system for smarter cities by Rodrigo Mesa-Arango, Wancheng Dai, Tamerlan Yeleussizov, Florida Institute of Technology
- Creating trusted data to enable ITS applications in smart cities by Brian Romansky, ESCRYPT
T6 Smart Cooperation - Peninsula
- Enabling Real world deployments of autonomous vehicles to support smart mobility by Joah Sapphire, Global Dynamic Group 7 University of Buffalo
- Railway crossing information system by Julian Vasquez, PBX Engineering
- AURORA connected vehicle testbed by Prof. Dave Michelson, University of British Columbia
- Development of an ITS services book by Chris Philp, Manny Grewal, CIMA+, Lija Whittaker, MTO
- ITS program in BC by Brigid Canil, BCMoTI
• Oakes South
- 6 pm to 6:45 pm Reception
- 6.45 pm Gala Dinner followed by Awards Ceremony,hosted by Mr. John Greenough, Chair Awards Committee
Oakes Foyer
Oakes South
W1 The Future of Big Data - Hennepin South
W2 Securing Transportation Systems - Cybersecurity - Peninsula
- Future issues in IoT and big data: A business driven model for managing data by Kirk Schuller, York Region
- ICity oncology for IoT and big data by Dr. Megan Katsumi, Mark Fox, University of Toronto
- A blueprint for applying big data to small projects by Michael Bailey, StreetLight Data, Dewan Karin, City of Toronto
- Transport smart in multi-modal transportation networks by Prof. William H.K. Lam, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
W2 Securing Transportation Systems - Cybersecurity - Peninsula
- Canadian municipal ITS deployment scan by Manny Grewal, CIMA+, Jason Boose, Transport Canada
- Truck parking system deployment by Dr. Jeff Adler, Kapsch
- Commercial vehicle enforcement methodologies by Lauri. J. Brady, Kapsch
- Detection systems at the Melocheville Tunnel by René Marcouiller, CIMA+, Pascal Roberge, JCCBI
- Alex Fraser Bridge capacity improvements by Cory Edgar, PBX Engineering, Brigid Canil, BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Mathew Bond. BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
Oakes South
W3Innovations in Collecting and Applying Traffic Data - Hennepin South
W4 ITS Deployments and Applications - Peninsula
- Generating electricity from kenetic motion of roadway infrastructure by Yeatland Wong, City of Calgary & Dr. Ferguson, University of Calgary
- Preparing MTO COMPASS System for IoT by Wendy Ng,Paul Lim-hing, David Tsui, Herbert Ng, Everard Rodney, Hoi Wong MTO, Mark Conrad, Parsons
- The use of automated video-based counter to evaluate the effects of the King Street Transit Pilot across all modes by Aakash Harpalani, City of Toronto
- Regional big data solution for transportation in Southern California by Daniel Lukasik, Parsons
- Signal phasing and timing - policy considerations by Rajnath Bissessar, Masoud Ramezani, City of Toronto
W4 ITS Deployments and Applications - Peninsula
- Cybersecurity of TMS and the implications of CAV by Marisa Ramon, Daniel A. Zajac, SWRI
- Connecting cloud services & agency infrastructure by Richard Chylinski, Parsons
- A generic framework for security risk assessment for ITS by Paul Bottinelli, ESCRYPT
- What are smart cities and a smart transportation systems without a cyber secured fortified smart grid network? by Eric Labrie, Is5 Communications
- Secure V2X proof of concept deployment in the City of Stratford by Brian Romansky, ESCRYPT
• Dr. Ann Cavoukian , Distinguished Expert-in-Residence, leading the Privacy by Design Centre of Excellence at Ryerson University
• Introductions by Ms. Kara Selke, StreetLight Data
- Dr. Cavoukian is also a Senior Fellow of the Ted Rogers Leadership Centre at Ryerson University, and a Faculty Fellow of the Center for Law, Science & Innovation at Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University. Dr. Cavoukian served an unprecedented three terms as the Information & Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Canada. There she created Privacy by Design, a framework that seeks to proactively embed privacy into the design specifications of information technologies, networked infrastructure and business practices, thereby achieving the strongest protection possible. In 2010, International Privacy Regulators unanimously passed a Resolution recognizing Privacy by Design as an international standard. Since then, PbD has been translated into 40 languages. Dr. Cavoukian is the author of two books, “The Privacy Payoff: How Successful Businesses Build Customer Trust” with Tyler Hamilton and “Who Knows: Safeguarding Your Privacy in a Networked World” with Don Tapscott. She has received numerous awards recognizing her leadership in privacy, including being named as one of the Top 25 Women of Influence in Canada, named among the Top 10 Women in Data Security and Privacy, named as one of the ‘Power 50’ by Canadian Business, named as one of the Top 100 Leaders in Identity, she was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal by the Governor General of Canada for her outstanding work on creating Privacy by Design and taking it global (May, 2017), named as one of the 50 Most Impactful Smart Cities Leaders, (November, 2017), and most recently, was named among the Top Women in Tech.
• Introductions by Ms. Kara Selke, StreetLight Data
Closing luncheon/Plenary - Oakes South
CyberSecurity Privacy Workshop - Oakes South
- Closing remarks by Mr. Chris Philp, Chair & CEO ITS Canada
CyberSecurity Privacy Workshop - Oakes South
- Moderated by Pino Porciello, ESCRYPT