ITS standards are industry-consensus standards that define how system components operate within a consistent framework, which is the National ITS Architecture. The program is working toward the widespread use of standards to encourage the interoperability of ITS systems.
List of technical committees (e.g., TC 204)
TC 22 - Road vehicles, including mopeds, motor cycles, motor vehicles, trailers, semi-trailers, light trailers, combination vehicles, and articulated vehicles
SC 19 Wheels
TC 211 - Geographic information/Geomatics
TC 104 - Freight containers
SC 3 Electrical and electronic equipment
SC 13 Ergonomics applicable to road vehicles
TC 204: is responsible for the overall system aspects and infrastructure aspects of intelligent transport systems (ITS), as well as the coordination of the overall ISO work programme in this field including the schedule for standards development, taking into account the work of existing international standardization bodies.